Conferral of independent work assignments to external non-employees
The conferral of independent work assignments to external non-employee subjects of the University of Pisa is governed by the Regulations for the assignment of independent work assignments to external non-employee subjects of the University of Pisa, in force since June 13, 2009. (regolamento pdf)
Requirements for the assignment of work
Article 2 of the Regulations, in compliance with Art. 7, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, provides for the assignment of independent work assignments, only to persons who possess particular and proven university specialization and previous professional experience in the field which is subject of the assignment..
Stages of the procedure
- The professor must send the Secretariat the request to activate the procedure for the recruitment of a figure with a certain professional experience (request for a comparative procedure) PDF
- In order to ascertain the objective impossibility of filling the position with the staff already in service, the Interdirectional Management Unit of Coordinated Collaborations and Continuities of the Central Administration issues a public notice advertising internally for a figure with the appropriate professional skills, addressed to all the technical and administrative staff of the University. Replies to the notice are evaluated by means of an interview with each applicant.
- In the event of being unable to recruit a person within the University, and if the requirements necessary for the activation of the assignment are met, the external comparative procedure of recruitment may be used. The Interdirectional Unit Management of Coordinated and Continuous Collaborations, upon receipt of the Department’s request, verifies that the work to be carried out is congruent with the institutional functions of the University, is of a highly qualified nature and that it responds to specific objectives and projects. To this end, the professor must provide, together with the request, a summary of the project in which the potential candidate must collaborate. It is possible to disregard both the comparative procedure and the internal notice, and therefore proceed with direct assignment, in the following cases:
- the requested service can be performed only by a single suitable provider on the market (this fact must be duly documented);
- the work involves seminars activities requiring a time commitment not exceeding 8 hours;
- the work is assigned to eminent scholars.
In the case of comparison of curricula, the Director of the Inter-Directional Unit Management of Coordinated and Continuous Collaborations appoints a committee of experts in the field of the advertised position, which normally includes the professor who originally requested the procedure.
- Once the Secretariat has acquired all the necessary documentation, it draws up the contract and sends it to the Court of Auditors for the preventive control of legitimacy as provided for by Art. 17, paragraph 30 of the D.L. 1 July 2009 n. 78, converted into Law August 3, 2009 n. 102. The contract becomes effective and becomes enforceable from the date of registration by the Court of Auditors, following a positive confirmation of legitimacy. The contracts become in any case enforceable 60 days after they have been received by the Court without this having been pronounced (silence-gives-consent principle).
- The Administrative Secretariat makes the payment directly to professional figures with a VAT number and to casual working figures, upon presentation of an invoice or billing note, accompanied by a report of the requesting professor certifying the regular performance of the activity and achievement of the objectives set for the work assignment.
- 6. The collaborators who perform their services in a “coordinated and continuous” way (Italian Contratto di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa) are paid in deferred monthly installments. In order to avoid undue payments, the professor head of the research is required to promptly notify the Secretariat of any cases in which the collaborator does not regularly carry out the activity or does not reach the objectives established by the contract in the agreed time and manner. In this case, the Secretariat ceases payment and takes any necessary measures. At the end of the contract the professor must present a report recording the activity carried out by the collaborator and the results achieved by them.
The Secretariat remains available for any clarification that may be necessary.